Won by One

Release Date:   February 09, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Wallace MacDonald, Dick Rosson, Neva Gerber,
Story Summary:
Connie and Louie, representing rival "fake jewelry" concerns, arrive in Squedunk. Both fall in love with Fanny, the belle of the town. There is no question in Fanny's mind about the one she likes best, for Louie has won her heart. Each of these ardent admirers, in the effort to outdo the other, overwhelm her with jewelry. Then a big jewelry robbery occurs in New York. Connie at once sees his chance to be rid of his rival. He tells Jeff, the oversuspicious town constable, that Louie must have perpetrated the crime. To-gether they sneak into Louie's room, where Jeff sees the assortment of jewelry. He places Louie under arrest. They start for New York and the town turns out, en masse, to applaud their valiant protector. When Louie is taken to headquarters they discover his jewelry is "fake stuff." His concern reads in the newspaper of his arrest, and when Louie reports at the office he is given a big raise in salary because of all this free publicity. Back in Squedunk Connie has been making violent love to Fanny, who promises to marry him. He insists on being married without any delay. At the last moment he recalls that he has forgotten his wedding present for Fanny and hastens back to his room in the village hotel, where he gets the long take pearl necklace. As he passes through the lobby, the necklace breaks. Jeff, ever on the job, finds pearl after pearl. Scenting mystery he follows the trail, arriving finally at Fanny's home, where the ceremony is about to be performed. He bursts into the house just as Connie takes from his pocket the empty string, and places him under arrest. Louie, returning, sees Connie being taken to the jail. He grasps the situation and prevails upon Fanny to marry him then and there. At Louie's suggestion Connie is compelled to act as "best man" and then marched back into his cell.
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