Laird O' Knees, The

Release Date:   February 06, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Orral Humphrey
Confirmed Cast:   Orral Humphrey, John Gough, Queenie Rosson,
Story Summary:
Vaudeville business has “sure gone to the bad,” and Hampton and Barlow, a couple of vaudevillians, are down on their luck. Not so with the wealthy Widow Bellegraham, whose ambition is to marry her daughter Rhoda to a title. She reads that the Laird O’Knees, a Scotch baronet, is to arrive, and plans to capture him, if need be, by force. Leaving a vaudeville agent’s office, where they find “nothing doing,” Hampton and Barlow come upon a fellow sadly the worse for alcoholic refreshment dressed in Scotch kilts and in the enforced company of a “cop.” Hampton follows and finds that the man has been advertising Highland Lad cigarettes. He is stripped of his regalia and Hampton, seizing the opportunity, applies for the job. Hampton fares forth in his “kilties” distributing cigarettes and is discovered at the pier by Mrs. Bellegraham, who mistakes him for the Laird O’Knees and forthwith drags him away in her limousine. He doesn’t know what it’s all about, but discretion being the better part of valor, he humors the lady’s fancy by accompanying her. When he learns what a personage he is, he telephones Barlow, who advises him to stay in the game and win the –iri and her money. Barlow arrives at the Bellegraham home and is introduced as his traveling companion – the Hon. Fitzroy-Fitzgibbons. Mrs. Bellegraham proudly presents her distinguished guests to society, and a write-up with their picture appears in the papers. This comes to the attention of two interested parties—Mrs. Hallrooms, minus her room rent, and the manager of the cigarette office, shy one advertising medium and kilts. Both arrive at Mrs. Bellegraham’s at a most inopportune moment for the pseudo Laird, and embarrassing identifications follow. Hampton suggests that he tried to explain all along, but the lady wouldn’t give him a chance, and departs with dignity, leaving Mrs. Bellegraham crumpled, and Rhoda enjoying the joke. — Moving Picture World, February 5, 1916, p. 836.
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