Mammy's Rose

Release Date:   February 04, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Neva Gerber,
Story Summary:
Mammy, a withered old colored woman, sits in her cabin dreaming of long past days, while outside the night is bleak and dreary and the rain is falling fast. Her eyes rest upon a picture of Frank and memory after memory flits through her mind. She recalls how she tended him when an infant: how, even as a boy, he loved Beth, living on a neighboring plantation. Then their engagement and how happy all who loved them were. Vivid memory brings great sorrow into Mammy’s face as she pictures the (missing word) of the war, which broke out shortly after Frank and Beth were married. Frank was called to defend the South. Then came the time when the little one was expected and Frank receives a letter from his mother asking him to hurry home. With all possible speed he hastens to Beth’s bedside, but a stray troop of “Yanks” passing see Frank’s horse. Mose, old Mammy’s husband, tries to prevent them from entering the house and is shot down. Frank, hearing the shot, endeavors to make his escape, but is apprehended and a bullet lays him low. From the balcony he falls to the ground, where Mammy finds him. With super-human strength, Beth rises from her bed, while her mother struggles to keep her back, and rushes to Frank’s side, where she and Mammy support him in their arms, and there he dies. As Mammy lives over these memories a chill passes through her body and she falls back dead. Beth, who had been crazed by the tragedy, has gone to Frank’s grave in the rain, when she sees a vision of him and beckons him to follow her to Mammy’s cabin. Arriving there, she finds Mammy’s soul flown, and the shock kills her. The spirit of Frank enters the cabin, and he and Beth and old Mammy are together at last. - Moving Picture World, February 5, 1916, p. 836.
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