Billy Van Deusen's Wedding Eve

Release Date:   February 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   John Steppling, Carol Holloway, John Sheehan,
Story Summary:
After the final rehearsal for his wedding with Helen Galsworthy, Billy Van Deusen is persuaded by the boys to have a last fling, and they all go down to a cafe. Helen's father, irresistibly drawn to the game of cards, breaks away from his family and on his way to the game drops in in Bessy Footlights and her company. The show is going badly and Bessie's press agent, Jimmy Flash, suggests that she create a little publicity, whereupon Mr. Galsworthy advises that Bessie select some rich young "Johnny" to be the "goat". Bessie agrees and after the show she picks Billy, still celebrating at the cafe. A note is dispatched to him, beseeching him to rescue a lady in distress at her apartment at twelve. The plot is all arranged, one of the men playing the part of nihilist and threatening Bessie with a bomb. Billy to the rescue! After putting the villain to flight, Bessie induces him to linger, and in the meantime Jimmy Flash rushes the sensational story to the papers. Mrs. Galsworthy, rummaging through her husband's discarded clothes, finds a note in the pocket revealing the place where the card game is taking place, and starts out with Helen to "break it up". Galsworthy is just leaving, when he sees his "better half" and bolts into Bessie's apartment, where he hides under the shower in the bathroom, but not before Mrs. Galsworthy sees him disappearing through the door. She demands to see her husban, although Bessie tries to convince her that she is secreting no husbands. But Mrs. Galsworthy is insistent. While Bessie is arguing, Billy recovers to some extent from the effects of the drink, and goes into the bathroom to ease his aching head. He turns on the hot water in the shower, to the intense discomfort of Mr. Galsworthy, who proceeds to vent his injured feelings upon Billy. The press agent arrives with a newspaper bearing an account of the story in glaring headlines. Mother and daughter Helen read the paper aghast. Billy and Galsworthy emerge from the bathroom fighting. Galsworthy is dragged off home and Billy turned down cold. Moving Picture World, February 5, 1916
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