Walk This Way

Release Date:   January 30, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Jack Dillon
Writer(s):   Roy McCardell,
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Walter Spencer, Lucille Ward, Robert Klein, John Gains,
Story Summary:
Handsome Harry Brown is in love with pretty Betty Gray, but love's young dream is rudely shattered when their respective sires, lawyers and partners, become quarrelsome and dissolve, not only their partnership, but the "partnership-to-be" of their children. Harry leaves his bulldog, Bobby, with Betty and so that Betty may be made heart-whole once more, old maid aunty, Tillie Tibbs, is sent for from Hay Center to take Betty home with her. All communication being cut between the lovers, Betty sends word of her going away to Harry via the broad collar of Bobby, the bulldog. Aunty goes shopping, and in Mr. Fluff, genteel floorwalker, she sees the ideal mate for Betty. Mr. Fluff comes to Hay Center to spend his vacation and in the midst of Aunt Tillie's endeavors to make a "match" Harry turns up and he and Betty elope on a motorcycle. Aunt Tillie and Mr. Fluff pursue in a borrowed junkmobile, with Rube, "the jay boy of all work," hanging on. In the meantime, Lawyers Brown and Gray have forgotten their temporary disagreement and come to Hay Center in a "bless you my children" frame of mind. Arrived at the church, Aunt Tillie and Mr. Fluff find they are too late - the knot had been tied. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Mr. Brown also arrive too late and Aunt Tillie is so disappointed that Betty asks her why she doesn't marry Mr. Fluff herself; whereupon Aunty being more than willing, and Mr. Fluff seeing monetary visions, points to the door of the church, and in his best floorwalker manner says : "Walk This Way". Moving Picture World, January 22, 1916
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