Lord Loveland Discovers America

Release Date:   January 27, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Masterpictures de Luxe
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Arthur Maude
Confirmed Cast:   Arthur Maude, Constance Crawley, William Carroll, Charles Newton, George Clancy, Nell Franzen, William Frawley,
Story Summary:
Besieged by British creditors, Lord Loveland brings his title, but no money, to the United States and starts hunting for an American heiress. To support himself, he gets a job as a waiter, and while at the restaurant, he renews an acquaintance with Leslie Dearmer, a playwright whom he met on the ship from England. Leslie tries to help Loveland, but she loses touch with him when he joins a barnstorming theater troupe. Then, when the actors perform one of Leslie's plays without her permission, she tracks them down in order to stop them. Leslie is surprised and pleased to see Loveland once again, and immediately gives him a job as her chauffeur. Although Loveland is still determined to marry a millionaire, he cannot help falling in love with his new employer. Thus, when she tells him that she is an heiress, the last shred of Loveland's reluctance vanishes and he and Leslie get married. -AFI
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