Mischief and a Mirror

Release Date:   January 23, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Wallace McDonald, Dick Rosson, William Carroll, Lucille Ward,
Story Summary:
Both Fred and Tom are head over heels in love with Maud, and she, poor girl, is at a loss as to which of the pair she will accept. She is advised to consult a fortune-teller, and goes forthwith to the tent abode of Madame Pazzauzes, a dusky reader of the past, present and future. The swarthy seeress shuffles the cards, then turns up three - the Jack of Clubs, Jack of Diamonds, and Queen of Hearts. After a series of occult passes, Madame Pazzauzes instructs Maude to go to her home and at the hour of midnight to gaze into a mirror. There she will see reflected the face of the man she is to wed. It is Halloween. Maud gives a party. There are ghosts galore and sprightly fairies. As the witching hour of midnight approaches the guests depart and Maud hastens to her room to gaze into her mirror. Fred, who overheard the fortune-teller's instructions, clambers in through a window and makes his way to Maud's boudoir. Tom, in the distance, sees Fred enter a window, thinks he is a burglar and calls a policeman. He and the bluecoat enter Maud's room and as Maud peers into the glass the face of Tom is reflected. The policeman pounces on Fred and Tom, coldheartedly, tells the minion of the law to do his duty. The commotion arouses Maud's father, who rushes into the room, pajama clad, to find his daughter in Tom's arms and Fred in the arms of the law. - Moving Picture World, January 15, 1916
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