Thunderbolt, The

Release Date:   January 21, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Helene Rosson, E. Taylor, Charles Bartlett, Frank Thorne,
Story Summary:
The Outcast and the Outlaw, common victims of the Man's duplicity, are thrown together in a frontier saloon, where the Outcast, sick and hungry, goes for help. The Outlaw, taking advantage of the Sheriff's absence, goes for provisions. The Outcast finds no sympathy and is ordered out. The Outlaw champions her and holds up the place until she is fed and the men are made to dig up for her benefit. She recognizes the Man, who has just arrived to inspect his mines. The Outlaw gets away with the Outcast, in the face of the Sheriff, and carries her to his cabin, where she tells him the story of the Man whose lying promise has made her what she is. Under the friendly Outlaw's care, the Outcast recovers her strength and goes to take her vengeance on the Man, refusing the Outlaw's offer to avenge her, because she feels the vengeance must be hers. The Man falls a willing victim to her lure and follows her. They leave the town as the Sheriff starts on another search for the Outlaw. A storm comes up. The Man is induced to seek shelter at the Outlaw's cabin. As the men face each other the Outlaw recognizes his enemy and exclaims, "The vengeance is mine! His lying testimony made me what I am!" The Man is given ten minutes to live and make what reparation he can for ruining two lives. His money is spurned. He writes a statement as the Outlaw's watch measures off his earthly moments, acknowledging that the sins of the Outlaw and the Outcast are on his own soul. Out in the rain, a shadowy figure rides ever nearer the object of its pursuit. The statement is finished. The Man awaits the inevitable moment. The Outlaw raises his gun to take his vengeance. Suddenly a bolt of lightning spits from the storm-swept sky and vengeance is removed from the hand of both Outcast and Outlaw. Awed by this stroke of fate, they stumble out into the night and the sheriff, reaching the cabin, finds only a dead man lying across the table alone with his confession. Dawn discovers the Outlaw and the Outcast, whose destinies a common wrong had so strangely drawn together, riding to freedom and a new life. Moving Picture World, January 15, 1916
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