Wild Jim - Reformer

Release Date:   January 21, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Frank Cooley
Confirmed Cast:   Lizette Thorne, E. Taylor, Jack Richardson, Frank Cooley,
Story Summary:
Wild Jim is a bandit whose depredations have terrorized the Western country and for years has foiled the armed minions of the law who sought to capture him. Bill is a young prospector from the East, who has gone West to seek his fortune in the rugged mountains at civilization's border. Helen, a mountain school teacher, has come West so that she might escape the brutality of her husband, from whom she was forced to flee because of the weakness for alcohol displayed by this gentleman. Helen and Bill meet and become friends. Helen befriends Wild Jim, not knowing who he is, and the young woman's kindness makes an indelible impression upon the bandit. Later, Bert, Helen's lawful husband, arrives at her cabin, having in some manner managed to trace her. He finds her in conversation with Bill, who has come to pay a call, and he covers them both with his pistol. Then Wild Jim happens on the scene and his formidable rifle muzzle deters Bert from carrying out his threat to shoot. Wild Jim then leads Bert away and the two agree to fight a duel. Fifty paces are measured off. The men face each other. Their weapons speak and Bert falls, never to rise again. Helen and Bill come upon Wild Jim as he is cutting another significant notch in the butt of his gun. With Bert dead, Bill declares his love and Helen accepts him. Helen urges Wild Jim to mend his evil ways and he promises. That night he leaves the scene of his depredations never to return. Years elapse. Helen and Bill have grown gray. They are forced to seek lodging in a mountain cabin far from any other habitation. They sit before the fire with the aged mountaineer and relate the old story of their acquaintance with Wild Jim. As the narrative is finished the bend old mountaineer rises and from the wall he takes a weapon, which he hands to Helen. On the stock are fourteen notches. She recognizes the gun and then its owner. It is Wild Jim and he has kept his promise made to her those many years ago. - Moving Picture World, January 15, 1916
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