First Quarrel, The

Release Date:   January 11, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   James Douglass
Confirmed Cast:   John Sheehan, Carol Holloway, Chance Ward, Beatrice Van, Rea Berger,
Story Summary:
Uncle presents John and Carol, the newlyweds, with a furnished bungalow. Bride and bridegroom quarrel about the hanging up of a certain picture of one of Carol's old time flames, whereupon both pack their belongings and plan to go back to father and mother. Upon further reflection, however, each decides to bring the other to time with the threat of suicide. John leaves a note to the effect that he has gone to drown himself, and Carol writes that she is about to jump into the ocean and end it all. But neither of the notes reaches its destination. Instead uncle, who arrives for a visit discovers them. With his valet he rushes furiously to prevent the impending tragedy. On his way to a water grave John stops at a real estate and lists his house for rent. Then Tom and Ethel, also newlyweds in search of a home decide to take it. Uncle finds Carol and Johnnie on opposite sides of a huge rock. He comes to the conclusion that they are both bluffing, and both would be willing to be reconciled. While Tom and Ethel have entered their new abode they quarrel over a letter which Ethel finds in Tom's pocket, and both retire to their respective rooms. Exhibitor's Herald, January 1, 1916
Unique Occurences
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