Arm of the Law, The

Release Date:   January 25, 1915
Distributor:   Kriterion
Reels:   2
Brand:   Santa Barbara
Genre:   Drama
Director:   William Daly
Confirmed Cast:   Fritzi Brunette, John Prescott, Edward Alexander, Florine Garland, Jack Dillon,
Story Summary:
"Mrs. Brooks has been led to her marriage with Mr. Brooks against her better judgment. He is a tyrant and treats her brutally. Her former lover, Joe Brown, shoots her husband in revenge. She is not aware of this fact and is accused of the murder. Brown confesses to the crime and she is acquitted." - Motography., Vol.13 No. 6, Feb 1915, ll.ll p.225
Unique Occurences
"The law is far reaching, although it -or- sometimes waits a long while. This soul-stirring drama in two reels will long be remembered. You must not miss it." - Variety. Vol. 37 No. 8, [an 23, 1915, p.30
Additional Info
The Santa Barbara Motion Picture Company was a short-lived rival of Flying A.

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