Ducking A Discord

Release Date:   October 15, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Vogue
Genre:   Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Ben Turpin,
Story Summary:
“Rube's wife is an expert at the Dutch In and Out. The house is filled with the music of the old accordion from dawn to dark. He decides to get rid of her, puts her in a bag and throws her in the river. She is rescued by Ben, who loves her devotedly. Together they plan to give Rube a scare. They cover their faces with flour, and she walks in on her husband in the midst of his lovemaking with Lillian. He thinks she is a spirit. Another time, when the pickpocket gang to which Rube belongs meets at their rendezvous, she appears again, and succeeds in crabbing the game forever for her erring husband.” - The Moving Picture World, October 21, 1916, p.445
Unique Occurences
Vogue Films, Inc. was not a direct part of the American Film Company. The studio was at Gower Street and Santa Monica in Hollywood but the general offices were at American's Chicago plant. Hutchinson owned both enterprises.
Additional Info
"There are funny situations a plenty, as well as the real thrill, which always accompanies these "slap sticks with a reason," which come from the hands of these two popular comedians.” - Motography, October 14, 1916, p.872

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