Bess the Outcast

Release Date:   January 28, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Harry Pollard,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Joseph Harris, Fred Gamble,
Story Summary:
“Bess was the daughter of a stage robber, who was caught in the act and killed by the vigilantes. She lived in a hollow tree, and fought her way in the world alone, as best she could, until the coming of the school master. Mr. Brookes defends Bess from the jeers of the school children—and wins her heart. She ceases to play truant—studies hard-–and proves an apt pupil. The master takes a great interest in her. But, the wild girl’s jealousy being provoked one day by the school teacher’s attentions to Gladys—a pretty but spiteful young lady in the school—Bess runs away into the woods, threatening never to return. Brookes hunts her out—and patiently explains to her where she is doing herself and him a great wrong. She promises to do better, and returns to school. The following Sunday, the waif appears at church, to the consternation of all present. When she sees the master come down the aisle, with Gladys on his arm, she keeps her self control—and thus wins her first moral battle. But Gladys jeers at Bess—and she runs out of the church, desperate and bent on revenge. A company of traveling Players presents an opportunity. The waif flirts with the chief actor, and gets a job in the show. There is a roughhouse in the saloon—Bess dances on the billiard table—and the master, coming to her rescue, wins out only after a rough and tumble fight with the whole theatrical gang, in which Bess saves his life by knocking a revolver out of the hand of the chief actor. They escape to the school house, whither the minister and school trustees pursue them, demanding the expulsion of Bess. Then, the master realizes that he loves his wild girl—and he tells the townsmen that if she goes, he goes with her. The two leave the village— to become husband and wife, and work out a new future together.” - Reel Life, January 24th, 1914
Unique Occurences
The final sunset scene was widely regarded as one of the prettiest sunset scenes to ever be included in a film at the time of release.
Additional Info
"Bess, The Outcast" There should be a comma in the film's title but the database won't allow it. - DD

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