Mein Lieber Katrina

Release Date:   June 05, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Confirmed Cast:   George Field, Ida Lewis, Charlotte Burton, John Steppling, Edith Borella, Perry Banks, C. De Vere,
Story Summary:
Heine, the proprietor of a small restaurant, proposes to Katrina, his buxom head waitress, and is promptly accepted. After the wedding, the situation is reversed and Katrina becomes the “proprietor,” while Heine is forced to wait on the tables. Katrina nags at Heine incessantly and one day gets him so nervous that he unfortunately spills some soup on the village constable. Katrina pleads frantically with the constable not to arrest Heine, but the constable is furious and marches Heine off to the lock-up. Safe in his cell, Heine stretches out comfortably on his cot, murmering “Home ain’t nudding like dis,” and is soon peacefully dozing. Katrina is determined to free Heine and strikes upon an ingenious plan. Soon after, she appears at the jail and delivers a pie to the constable for Heine’s dinner. The constable decides to eat the pie himself and discovers a large file inside. He arrests Katrina for “attempting to aid in a prisoner’s escape,” and locks her up in the same cell with Heine. Heine objects strenuously to Katrina for a cell-mate, and manages to escape through the window. Katrina attempts to follow Heine, but id too large to squeeze through the window and is forced to reamin in jail, much to Heine’s delight. Heine returns to the restaurant and resumes his position as boss of the cash register. He is running things with a high hand, when the constable appears angrily on the scene to rearrest him. Heine finally placates the constable with a large sum of money from the cash register and sends Katrina the following note, sandwiched between two slices of bread: “Mein Lieber Katrina—Ven you gedt oudt in six monds, you can come pack to vork as a vaitress.—Heine.” Katrina is nearly prostrated and rages about furiously. She quickly recovers, however, and produces from her hosiery a wad of bills. She purchases freedom and returns to the restaurant. Needless to say, Heine once more becomes a “waitress” while Katrina resumes her position as “boss” of the cash register. - Moving Picture World, June 1914
Unique Occurences
The first of the Heine-Katrina series.
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