Ram-bunctious Endeavor*, A

Release Date:   March 17, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Reissue
Genre:   Western Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Wallace Reid,
Story Summary:
Jim has been away for a long time. Marjie heard that he was returning from college and so dressed up for the occasion. Jim dons his cowboy outfit, however. The boys decided to give him a party. This was the inspiration of Chick, who tells his sweatheart Polly about it. Jim, in his exuberant spirits, kissed Polly and was seen by Chick. A riot follows and Chick was thrown into a corral with a vicious ram. - Moving Picture World, March 17, 1917
Unique Occurences
This is likely a reissue of "When Jim Returns." American re-released a number of their early films in 1917, most were done to take advantage of Jack Kerrigan's celebrity. This Wallace Reid vehicle is a rarity.
Additional Info

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