It Was Like This

Release Date:   September 24, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   George Field, Winnifred Greenwood, Edward Coxen,
Story Summary:
Adams is hoping for a son the same night that "Spider" Barlow plans to make a haul at the Adams house. While Adams smokes in the library, outside "Spider" waits for him to retire. The burglar enters the house. The maid is awakened and corners him in a closet. Adams comes, and explains the need for quiet, leaving the maid on guard with a gun. When Adams goes to send a hurry call for the doctor, "Spider" relieves the maid of the gun, and, taking advantage of the opportunity, rifles the house. Acting as self-appointed butler, "Spider" admits the doctor, and, removing the gag long enough to give the maid three kisses, departs in the doctor's limousine with the doctor's coat and bag. - Moving Picture World, September 18, 1915
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