Dulcie's Adventure

Release Date:   October 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   James Kirkwood
Writer(s):   William Pigott, R. Strauss,
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Minter, Mollie Schafer, Marie Van Tassell, Harry Von Meter, Alan Forrest, Perry Banks, John Gough, Gertrude LeBrandt, William Carroll, Robert Klein, Bessie Banks,
Story Summary:
Dulcie's once aristocratic Southern family has fallen upon hard times, so her Aunt Netta decides to take her to California in search of a millionaire husband. While Dulcie pines for Harry, her sweetheart back home, Netta triumphantly arranges an engagement with a wealthy suitor. On her wedding day, preparing to sacrifice herself for her family, Dulcie discovers that her fiancé's millions actually belong to other people when he is arrested at the altar on a bank robbing charge. Meanwhile, Harry, who has come West to get Dulcie back, arrives at the wedding just as the police interrupt it. He volunteers to take the arrested fiancé's place, and Dulcie accepts his offer instantly. -AFI
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