Just as It Happened

Release Date:   October 04, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Charles Bartlett
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Lizette Thorne, Mollie Schafer, George Field,
Story Summary:
David Grey's one aim in life is to live up to the expectations of his niece, Jennie, who idolizes her uncle. A stranger from the city visits the farm, and Jennie becomes dissatisfied with David's homely ways. Anxious to make good, Grey goes to New York, to acquire " Polish" and a fortune. While hunting a job, David chances to make the acquaintance of " Red Dick," a crook. David hastens to the park to keep his rendezvous with the crooks. Thither he is tracked by the police, who have received warning of the plotted robbery. A postman pauses nearby to tighten a string about a package of letters. A letter addressed to David in his mother's handwriting is disclosed. Across the envelope are stamped the words, " Not Found." Grey determines to escape from " Red Dick" and return home. Some on sees the prodigal enter the town and Mother Grey is warned. She hastily arranges a big party to welcome her son. David, tattered and foot-sore, hides in the barn to avoid the company. Jennie, meanwhile, has completely gotten over her admiration for the city man. The reunion of David and his neice form a last, toucthing episode. - Reel Life, October 2, 1915
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