Western Dream, A

Release Date:   May 22, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   George Periolat, Scott Beal, Louise Lester, Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush,
Story Summary:
A hobo falls asleep by the tracks and dreams of being a cowboy. He rescues a girl on a runaway buckboard (Bush) and then is invited by the ranchhands to become their leader. He amazes them with his abilities to rope and ride and then is in the process of saving the girl from the burning house when the story shifts back to the sleeping bum while two boys find him and proceed to give him a hot seat. - DD
Unique Occurences
- This appears to be Pauline Bush's first film for Flying A. - The film was released on the same reel as "Branding a Bad Man."
Additional Info
“Two Dashing, Reeling, Rousing Western Screams. Cowboys cutting up. Cowboys everywhere, everywhere a laugh. Two on one reel. Both better than the other one.” - Moving Picture World, May 20, 1911, Pg 1171.

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