Do You Know this Woman?

Release Date:   March 16, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   American
Genre:   Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Dot Farley,
Story Summary:
This film pictures the experience of the devoted, home-loving husband whose every effort is to bring happiness and contentment into his house. With his departure in the morning comes a promise to reserve seats for the theater for the cherished wife of his bosom. Presenting himself at the box office of one of the most expensive and exclusively playhouses, he makes an effort to secure seats. The treasurer informs him politely, but firmly, that he house is sold out for the four coming weeks. Nothing daunted, the fond husband visits the different hotels, in the hope that by conceding a premium he may be successful in procuring two. After an exhaustive search he finally succeeds in procuring two at an excessive price. He places them carefully in his pocket, returns to his office, happy in the thought that dear “wifey” shall not be disappointed in any event. He hastens homeward, happy and buoyant. Dinner is hastily dispatched, and he retires to prepare his toilet for the evening’s enjoyment. The wife’s maid, too, lays out her gowns and hats in her apartment, and both began to dress. The husband calls repeatedly for his wife, an dasks if she will soon be ready. Each time the query is met with the reply: “In a minute, deary.” She is finally clad to her complete satisfaction, and at once seeks her husband. He is snoozing soundly on the couch, where he had thrown himself. She calls to him loudly. He awakes with a startled expression and rubbing his eyes in an effort to open them, sleepily asks, “Gee! What time is it?” The wife bids him make haste. He looks at his watch and notes the time. It is half-past eleven. She has exhausted the interim between seven and eleven o’clock selecting a suitable gown with hat to match.” - The Nickelodeon, March 11, 1911, p. 287
Unique Occurences
One of the last films Warren Kerrigan and Dot Farley made in Chicago before departing to California to join Flying A's western unit.
Additional Info
A rather brief 370 foot split reel sharing space with "The Job and the Girl".

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