Fooling Uncle

Release Date:   January 21, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy-romance
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Theodosia Harris, Harry Pollard, Margarita Fischer,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harry Pollard, Fred Gamble, Joseph Harris, Kathie Fischer,
Story Summary:
Peggy and Harry are in love, but as Harry's financial condition is dependent on the whims of the uncle, an extremely cross old man, he must first gain uncle's consent to the marriage. He shows uncle a photograph of Peggy, which so impresses him that he has Harry bring Peggy to call on him. When she arrives, she flirts with and flatters uncle until he tries himself to make love to her. He calls at her home and proposes. Harry overhears and is indignant and when uncle has gone, chides Peggy for accepting uncle. She tells him she will lead uncle such a chase that uncle will gladly buy her off. Uncle gives an announcement dinner and Peggy starts on her campaign; she insults the guests and cavorts around to such an extent that uncle is furious, but she pets him and soon gets him into good humor again. After dinner she suggests making a night of it. Uncle against his will, is dragged to a roof garden cafe, when Peggy rags with him until the old man is about dead, when she steps on his gouty foot. Harry is seated at another table and when a friend of uncle's comes in and is introduced to Peggy, uncle hobbles over to Harry and calls him aside. He offers a large sum if Harry will marry Peggy, but Harry declines until uncle has reached quite a large figure. He still says "No," but tells Peggy to start up - Peggy does. She sings at the top of her voice and the old man hearing it, raises his finger to Harry's satisfaction and Harry agrees. Peggy and Harry take the old man home and after turning him over to his valet give themselves up to the anticipation of future bliss. - Moving Picture World, January 1914
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