Pride and the Man

Release Date:   July 30, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions-Russell Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   William Russell,
Confirmed Cast:   Antrim Short, Clarence Burton, Paul Weigel, William Russell, Francelia Billington, Clarence Burton, George Fisher, Antrim Short, Paul Weigel, Al Kaufman, Tom Moran ,
Story Summary:
Jack Hastings, a well-bred champion boxer, saves Thelma Everett from drowning and soon falls in love with her. Although he cherishes his moments in the ring, Jack gives up his boxing career to marry Thelma, whose wealthy father strongly disapproves of the match. Because of his lack of capital, Jack's attempts at the contracting business flounder. To help, Thelma secretly invests her own money in the company, but when the business suffers a major loss, Jack finds himself $50,000 in debt. Unable to recoup his losses, Jack agrees to fight in a high-stakes boxing bout, thereby breaking his promise to Thelma. In his shame, Jack makes a drunken show of himself, driving Thelma back to her father. Although he loses the fight, Jack earns enough money to pay back Thelma, who, under the influence of her father, snubs her husband. Convinced he has lost Thelma for good, Jack drives by her house for a last look before leaving town, but she, still in love, buries her pride and runs to embrace him.
Unique Occurences
Al Kaufman was a well-known heavyweight boxer who fought Jack Johnson to a standstill in 1909.
Additional Info

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