Hair Trigger Casey*

Release Date:   May 01, 1922
Reels:   5
Brand:   Reissue
Genre:   Western
Director:   Frank Borzage
Confirmed Cast:   Frank Borzage, Anna Little, Charles Morrison, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Original version, which may differ from this one (see note, below): Immediate Lee is dismissed from his job on John Masters' ranch through the influence of a fellow employee, who is involved with Masters in a brand-blotting scheme. Lee swears vengeance on brand-blotter Kentucky Hurley when the latter scars Lee's face. Beulah, a dancehall girl who has attracted Hurley's attentions, prefers Lee, but she intercedes for Hurley's life when the two men fight. Hurley is later killed in another skirmish, Lee helps expose and round up the brand-blotters, and Beulah is rewarded with Lee's proposal. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Re-edit of Frank Borzage film. See "Immediate Lee."
Additional Info

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