Return of Helen Redmond, The

Release Date:   January 19, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Thomas Ricketts
Writer(s):   F. Montague,
Confirmed Cast:   Winnifred Greenwood, William Eason, Edward Coxen, George Field, Edith Borella, William Tedmarsh, Violet Neitz, Dollie Lester,
Story Summary:
Neil Forrester, clubman, marries Helen Redmond, a chorus girl, against the clergyman brother's wishes. A girl is born to the couple. Helen tires of domestic life and after a quarrel with her husband returns to the stage and Bohemia, where she forgets all in its whirl and gaiety. Forrester dies and his brother assumes charge of the child, bringing her up to believe that her mother is dead and was a good woman. She is now ten years old. One night after the show Helen gives a supper to her friends in her flat, and one of the guests sends her regrets on account of her young daughter's illness. This awakens in Helen thoughts of her own daughter and she retires to her own room broken-hearted and resolved to see her the next day. She goes next day and finds the child resembles her and humors her by saying that she knew her mother and that she was a good woman. The minister returns, recognizes Helen and orders her out of the house. She first pleads for the child, then demands it is hers. The minister changes his tone and tells Helen that it would be wrong to disillusion the child, now that she thinks her dead and a good woman and a greater wrong to bring her up among her own kind. Helen sinks under these reproaches, but is persistent. While the girl is being brought in Helen lapses in a deep reverie. In this state she has visions of bringing the girl home. The inherited taint manifests itself and the girl grows up like her mother with a weakness for paint, frills, and smiles of men, and later Helen's friend elopes with the girls. When the minister returns with Majorie, Helen's daughter, she tells hims she realizes what he says is true and that it is better for her to continue to grow up under his care. She renounces the stage, gives music lessons as a means of livelihood and is soon reunited with her daughter i the enjoyment of a happy future. -The Morning Press, Santa Barbara, CA, 1/18/14, p.3
Unique Occurences
Some exteriors filmed at Santa Barbara's Arlington Hotel.
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