Number Please!

Release Date:   April 19, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, John Steppling, Dick Rosson, Mary Talbot,
Story Summary:
Joe, a lineman, loves Lizzie, a telephone operator. Kremly, a broker, has made a brilliant speech and an account of it with his picture appears in the paper which Lizzie proceeds to enjoy, while Kremly tries to get her on the phone. Finally she gets to a stopping place and very sweetly tells him the time. Lizzie discovers Joe flirting with two girls from the top of a pole and is sore at him. Mrs. Kremly gets her husband on the line to tell him she wants to go to lunch with him. Joe is trying to talk to Lizzie, but slips and crosses the wires, so that Kremly makes the date with Lizzie, thinking her his wife. Lizzie proudly departs to meet the illustrious Kremly. He is surprised to learn that he has asked her to luncheon, but decides to see it through. Mrs. Kremly exasperated at the cut-off, goes to the office, and finding where her husband is lunching, goes to meet him. When she arrives Kremly is having a good time with Lizzie and Mrs. Kremly makes a scene and has Lizzie arrested. Joe comes to the rescue and snatching Lizzie out of the arms of the law, runs away with her on his motorcycle. The Kremlys institute divorce proceedings. While Kremly is with the lawyer, his clerk plans with a confederate to rob the office, and Lizzie hears their talk over the wire and gets a policeman who captures the money and the thieves. Lizzie is in Kremly's office with the policeman when the Kremlys return and takes refuge in a closet. Mrs. Kremly drags her out with injurious intentions, but explanations and reward follow. As Lizzie is returning to her work, Jim intercepts her, but she scorns his offer of marriage since she has money. He forces her consent by marooning her at the top of a telephone pole, and the picture closes with Cupid sitting on the crossbar. - Moving Picture World, April 29, 1916
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