Love Mumps and Bumps

Release Date:   September 28, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Neva Gerber, Webster Campbell, William Carroll, Lucille Ward, Rea Berger,
Story Summary:
To avoid Percy's persistence, Edna hastens off to the mountains, taking advantage of an invitation to use the cabin of an old friend. Percy learns her destination and follows, much to the disgust of both Edna and her companion Susan. Percy develops symptoms of a mysterious nature, and fearing a protracted illness, hastens to his love to beg her to consider him. Two mountaineers hear the commotion of Susan trying to prevent Percy's entrance into the cabin. They see the condition of Percy's face and immediately quarantine the entire household. The two women try to escape but are discovered and brought back by the mountaineers. Frank Travers is taking an outing in the hills and sees the men forcing the women into the cottage. Fearing some crime, he hastens to their assistance and is also obliged to remain in quarantine. In the absence of the town physician, the veterinary is called in and diagnoses Percy's trouble as "lumpyjaw," a dreaded disease common to cattle. The days go by and an attraction springs up between Travers and Edna. Percy, bandaged and confined to his bed (by force) is compelled to witness the love-making of these two, causing him much unhappiness. Finally the town physician returns, and when called in, pronounces the malady only mumps and measles. The quarantine is removed and the inmates permitted to return to their various homes. Edna and Frank have found the enforced associations so pleasant that they decide to make the cottage their summer home. - Moving Picture World, September 25, 1915
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