In the Land of the Tortilla

Release Date:   July 19, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Archer McMackin
Confirmed Cast:   Carol Holloway, John Sheehan, John Gough,
Story Summary:
Emerson Howe was consul to Mexico and he wasn't safe by any means. Suddenly his front door was opened and in rushed an American followed by a band of Mexicans. Howe quieted the turmoil and asked the newcomer his antecedents. The answer was a card which revealed the fact that the man was Karl Kerner, cameraman for the Associated Press Dispatch. The confab was interrupted by a message from Washington which informed Howe that Veeha was captured by Caperanza and was about to be executed by him. Photographic proofs were necessary. Karl offered to get them. Caperanza was angry because Veeha had beat him to the generalship of the Tortillan army. Caperanza had decreed that no one should see the execution unless personally invited. Karl Kerner tries to get in with the Consul's credentials, but when the Mexican general saw the funny little box with the crank on it he thought dire things and refused the camera entry, Karl wandered on the outside of the fort and came upon Francisca, who was gazing at some cards she held in her hand. They exchanged greetings and Karl saw that the cards were pictures of all the famous movie actresses. Francisca was a movie fan. Karl told her that he would put her name in "bright lights" on Broadway, providing she would let him photograph Veeha's execution from her boudoir window. Francisca agreed. To make an interesting story Francisca must be loved by someone- say, for instance, the Corporal in her daddy's corps. And Tortura must see Francisca with the Gringo, and he must immediately suspect something. But Karl impresses Francisca that if he does not get the picture there will be no Caperanza on Broadway. Francisca hides the camera, and Veeha stands by the wall at sundown. Karl cranked off the execution and was about finished when he was discovered from the courtyard by Tortura. He made his way to the street. The whole Mexican army started chase. Karl mounted his mule and started for the desert. Tortura impressed Francisca with the proof that the American was going away without fulfilling his promise. Francisca grabbed a rifle and joined the army that was chasing Karl. Out into the desert went the fighters. Karl's mule was shot under him and using it as a shield he pumped his puny automatic in an endeavor to stop the oncoming host. But they were closing in on him. A detachment of Uncle Sammy's cavalry with their supply truck stops for rations. The lookout through his glass sees Karl being cornered by the mob of Mexicans. Orders to the cavalry and they ride into action! Karl was reinforced and the fighting went on in earnest. But the Americans were far outnumbered and the Mexicans kept coming. Karl, not wise to the danger, thought it would be a great idea to "shoot" some of the battle stuff with his camera. He planted it and cranked with one hand while he shot Mexicans with the other. Then the peons got a glimpse of the camera. Terror overtook them and they retreated. And when the smoke of the battle blew away the soldiers mounted Karl upon their shoulders, gave him the "hip-hip-hurrah," and started back for little old U.S.A.- with the proofs of Veeha's demise. - Moving Picture World, July 29, 1916
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