Man's Friend, A

Release Date:   June 02, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mustang
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   William Bertram
Confirmed Cast:   Nita Davis, Larry Peyton, Art Acord, Tom Hanan,
Story Summary:
Jim and Nell are married, unhappily for her part. Jim spends most of his time drinking and gambling and the rest in abusing her. In a nearby town lives Tom, Nell's brother, whose best friend is Hal, a trapper. One day Tom comes to visit his sister and learns of her unhappiness. He tells her that she must come with him, and she does so. Jim is furious. Tom introduces Nell to Hal, and there is at once a mutual attraction between them. Later, after Nell has obtained a divorce from Jim, she marries Hal. A year passes and a child is born to them. One day Hal finds a dog in one of his traps. Its leg is broken. He takes it to his cabin and nurses it back to health. Meanwhile, Jim is in serious difficulty in the town where he lives. The citizens there decide to get rid of him. Perched on a rail, he is escorted to the outskirts of town, and there informed that if he ever comes back he will be shot. So JIm starts across the hills to another town. Night comes on, and, seeing a cabin in the distance, he goes towards it. But before knocking he chances to look in a window, and there sees his former wife Nell, with Hal and the baby. This sight arouses his jealousy, and as a means of revenge he manages to reach in the window, while Hal and Nell are in another room, and obtains the baby. Returning to his room, the baby is missed and Hal and Nell become frantic. The dog takes up the trail and finally comes across Jim, just as he is crossing a stream. He sees the dog following and becomes frightened. Slipping on a rock, he falls into the stream and is being carried away. The dog sees the baby in the water, snatches it out, and takes it to a nearby deserted cabin. Under this cabin a mother dog is nursing a family of pups, and Hal's dog brings the baby in and leaves it, then returns to get Hal and Nell. Dripping wet, Jim comes to the same cabin, and, finding no one home, enters. Meanwhile, Nell and Hal are frantically scourging the country for their baby. While at their cabin the dog is awaiting their return. Jim endeavors to sleep, but always he hears the faint cries of the baby, and thinks that it is haunting him. Morning comes, with Nell and Hal still searching through the woods. The dog returns to the second cabin, just as Jim, now half maddened by the crying and moaning of the baby, is leaving. The dog pounces on him, and a furious fight follows. In the end Jim is killed. Again returning to Hal's cabin, the dog finds Hal and Nell just entering, having searched all night. He leads them off, bringing them to Jim's body. And then he leads them to the second cabin, where, in care of the mother dog, they find the baby. Moving Picture World, June 17, 1916
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