High Gear Jeffrey*

Release Date:   June 01, 1921
Distributor:   American - States Rights
Reels:   5
Brand:   Reissue
Genre:   melodrama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman, Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Francelia Billington, Clarence Burton, Alfred Ferguson, Harvey Clark, Lucille Ward, Charles Newton,
Story Summary:
Jeffrey Claiborne, the only son of a wealthy father, rescues Betty Jane from the unwelcome attentions of a chauffeur and accepts Betty's offer of a job in her mother's taxicab business. He proposes marriage, but Mother Moir scorns him as a prospective son-in-law. He learns that the mother is threatened with exposure of her past by an underworld gang; and since she is in love with the police captain, she agrees to cooperate with them, but with Jeffrey's help the purpose of the criminals is defeated. He wins the girl. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Re-edited version of William Russell film, "The Frame Up" (1917)
Additional Info

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