Power of Light, The

Release Date:   January 05, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Lorimer Johnston
Writer(s):   Clarence Harris,
Confirmed Cast:   Vivian Rich, Sydney Ayres, Charlotte Burton, Harry Von Meter, Jack Richardson, Caroline Cooke, Violet Neitz, Jacques Jaccard, Charles Morrison,
Story Summary:
Cliff Jackson, the eighteen-year-old son of a mountaineer, is possessed of a strong determination to conquer his father, who operates an illicit still, as then through the strong arm of the law, his father interprets the boy's innate disgust for liquor and injustice as personal animosity and defiance of his authority, the son leaves the home. In the city, he forms the aquaintane of a family, which although poor, takes him in and gives him his first taste of learning, which although crude, awakens in him a stronger desire for knowledge. A kindly pastor interests himself in the studious young fellow and he is sent to school and college to become a minister. The daughter in the poor family and the minister's daughter become rivals, but the thought of his people's needs leads him to select the girl whom he believes can love his people. After his ordination he marries Jennie Bentley, the girl who taught him elementary arithmetic and grammar, and she returns with him to his home. The government officers are on the trail of the moonshiners and are making an attack when Cliff rides up the mountain road, and a stray bullet hits him. He is taken to his home and the officers, at his request, leave him to handle the situation by teaching love and kindness rather than by the arbitrary display of arms and authority. Cliff's ambition is soon realized and he is privileged to demolish the still in the presence of those who, for long years offered defiance to the law and power of the light that has been brought to them by the ambitious son of their leader. - Moving Picture World, January 3, 1914
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