Midsummer Love Tangle, A

Release Date:   July 28, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   Isobel Reynolds,
Confirmed Cast:   Kathie Fischer, Harry Pollard, Margarita Fischer, Fred Gamble, Mary Scott,
Story Summary:
Judge Lynn sends his family, consisting of his wife, Trixy, his daughter, and "Buddy," the young son, to his country home at Lakeside. Judge Lynn makes it a practice to visit his family for the week end. Jack Weston, a young gentleman of leisure, visits Lakeside and meets Trixy. Jack takes Trixy out sailing and arouses ill-will of "Buddy" when he refuses to allow that young gentleman to accompany them. "Buddy" promises to get even. That same evening the Judge unexpectedly returns. The following morning, the Judge is reading in the library, Mrs. Lynn and "buddy" present. The Judge comes across an article in the paper that interests him. It is to the effect that Slippery Sam, the notorious diamond thief, is supposed to be in the neighborhood of Lakeside disguised as a woman. Trixy is passing through the room at the time dressed for yachting and carrying several papers, magazines and a substantial lunch. The Judge stops her and reads the article to the women folks and warns them to be careful of their jewelry. "Buddy" is particularly interested and goes to his father and is shown a photograph of the diamond thief. Trixy asks Buddy to carry the lunch. He agrees to do so feeling that his reward will be a sail on the lake. He is much disappointed to find his sister and her sweetheart believe in the adage "two is company, three is a crowd." He is very angry and gets into an old boat and sits down to devise ways and means to effect a revenge. He decides to go in for a swim. In the meantime the Judge is uncomfortably warm. In his walk through his grounds, the Judge sees his son swimming. He goes and draws him into the boat and gives him a licking for going swimming on Sunday. "Buddy" goes ashore and walks toward the house. The Judge sits in the boat. It is very warm; the water is cool. There is a temptation. He yields and is soon swimming about. From a distance "Buddy" sees this and when his father swims out into the lake he decides to even up matters. He returns and steals the Judge's clothes. The Judge returns from his swim and misses his clothes, wraps some gunnysack around himself and wades ashore. He comes to a tent and stops to investigate. He enters, expecting to find some man's clothing. He finds nothing but ladies' wearing apparel. Knowing it is the only decent way he can get home he dons one of the dresses which belongs to an old maid who owns the tent. Meanwhile, "Buddy," seeing his father dressed up in woman's clothes, hurries home and gets the paper relative to Slippery Sam. This he takes with him and goes to meet Jack Weston and his sister. He shows the paper to Jack, wishing to prove his prowess, accompanies "Buddy." They see the Judge flitting from tree to tree as though to hide. "Buddy" points him out as Slippery Sam. Jack has never seen the Judge, and knowing how the capture of a notorious thief will help him with his suit, summons up all his courage and arrests the Judge and forces him to accompany him to lock-up. The Judge protests but all to no avail. In a short time the Judge is liberated. That night Jack, not knowing the trouble he has stirred up for himself, calls on the Judge and asks for the hand of Trixy. There is a mutual recognition and Jack beats an ignominious retreat notwithstanding the entreaties of Trixy. But Jack still hopes to win the fair hand of Trixy.
Unique Occurences
The Museum of Modern Art holds a tinted print of this film that appears to have been restored from two separate nitrates. One is in good shape and comprizes the majority of the film while the other has nitrate damage but only carries a minimum of the action. The print is 947 feet.
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