Her Really Mother

Release Date:   July 21, 1914
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Beauty
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Kathie Fischer, Harry Pollard,
Story Summary:
"Please, I'm Kathie Stanton, and I'm looking for a 'really' mother." This the amazing answer the little girl makes who crawls through the hedge separating Mary's estate from the one next door, onto which a new family has just moved. Kathie could hardly have looked in a better place, for Mary, though childless, has the mother instinct in full measure, which she has had perforce, to lavish only on her pets. So on this lonely, neglected child of hard and selfish parents, she pours all the unsatisfied longings of her mothering heart. Over the hedge a sign is put: "All children coming through this hedge are, for the time, the 'really' children of a 'really mother.' Puck, per order, The Fairy Queen." At Kathie's home things go badly and the very night that Kathie is permitted to stay with Mary, Kathie's mother elopes, while her father is drinking at his club. In a drunken pursuit of the couple, Stanton's auto is wrecked and Stanton is fatally injured. Eagerly Mary promises the dying man that she will care for Kathie. And the woman who was so lightly tossed aside the privilege of motherhood, travels far away; while by late order of the Fairy Queen, Mary changes the edict on the hedge are, for all time, the 'really' children of a 'really mother.' And little Kathie, her arms about Mary's neck, knows that at last there is no make-believe - she has found her "really" mother. - Moving Picture World, July 1914
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