Job and the Girl, The

Release Date:   March 16, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   American
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
"A young man is out of employment. He reads in the want column a request for the services of a private secretary to a wealthy business man. Feeling that he is just the man for the job, he applies in person, and in order to assert emphatically his fitness for the office, without asking for the position simply takes it. This display of rather more of the necessary aggressiveness than the old man expected and he orders the aspirant from his office. He leaves the office indignantly with the young man in charge, and meeting the janitor, orders him to throw the intruder out of the place. The new secretary is determined to prove his qualifications and promptly locks the janitor in the large office vault. He works good, only letting up for a moment when, he meets his employer’s daughter. A mutual impression is formed on each side. The young people seek to reconcile the father to the inevitable, and in order to secure an uninterrupted field are compelled to lock the irate parent in the vault as well. A license is hastily secured, the two are married, and come back for the necessary blessing. The old man is finally induced to give his blessing." - Moving Picture World, 1911
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "Do You Know This Woman?"
Additional Info

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