It Pays to Wait

Release Date:   July 29, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, George Morrison, George Periolat, Jack Richardson, Jessalyn Van Trump, Marshall Neilan,
Story Summary:
Old Ben Hoover, with his wife and two pretty daughter, managed to eke out a precarious livelihood, raking alfalfa and helping generally on the big ranch. John Rich, foreman, had long made love to Mabel, but she did not return his affection. A day came when Rich went to her parents. They readily gave consent. Out of the prairie rode a handsome young man, dressed in fashionable riding garments and mounted on an expensive, sleek-looking mare. He dismounted in the bushes and hastily changed his clothes, appearing before the foreman as a day worker in quest of labor. Rich eyed him carefully and finally handed him a rake. The young man proved a poor workman, however, for he soon found Mabel's company much too enticing for heavy work. On the way home that night he made love to her and found a not unwilling listener. Rich, also called, and finding but little comfort in Mabel's unresponsive mood, attempted to kiss her by force. Just then the newcomer stepped in and an inspiring fight followed. The following morning Rich peremptorily discharged father, mother and the two daughters, while the newcomer leaned on his rake and blandly smiled. Then Rich turned to him. The newcomer, with a well-aimed blow, laid Rich on his back in the alfalfa, and turning to the other workers, quietly drew a card from his pocket. Rich arose from the grass in time to hear the name of the ranch owner and to discover that he had been kicked about by that very person. Later the newcomer called on the old folks and formerly asked the hand of their daughter. The old man refused to hear him at first, believing him to cause of their trouble, but when his magic name was whispered in the old fellow's ear, a transformation tool place, and, you can easily imagine, there was but little trouble in convincing the girl that the time to marry had come. -Moving Picture World, July 27, 1912, p. 376.
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