Tell Tale Shells, The

Release Date:   July 18, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Marshall Neilan, Jack Richardson, Jack Kerrigan,
Story Summary:
“A Westerner has fallen under the influence of an outcast and is continually in his company, much to the sorrow of his young wife. The sheriff calls during the husband's absence. He is an old lover of the woman's and would resume the old relations, until she shows him her wedding ring. After the sheriff has ridden away the husband returns and begs to be hidden as he has been the unwilling witness of a murder by his companion. The sheriff posts up a notice offering a reward for the capture of the murderer dead or alive, and the real culprit after reading it, kills his accomplice Cinema News and Property Gazette (London), Feb-Dec 1912, p. 333 and claims the reward. The sheriff, comparing the empty shell from the gun found by the body with another found by the side of the murdered settler, finds them exactly similar, and holds up the rogue. The latter manages to seize his revolver, and escapes after "winging" the sheriff. He lowers himself down a cliff, but the woman who has watched him severs the rope. The woman falls fainting into the sheriff's arms." - Cinema News and Property Gazette (London), Feb-Dec 1912, p. 333
Unique Occurences
UK release – September 7, 1912
Additional Info
Advertised as: “A real masterpiece among “Westerns” intended to liven up an audience “picture- tired.” Two shells, dropped from an assassin’s gun, give a clever sheriff the clew by which a baffling mystery was unraveled and an innocent man was freed. You will like it – so will your audience. It’s engaging grip will please. Distinctly an out-of-the ordinary photoplay.” - Moving Picture World, 6 Jul 1912 – 28 Sep 1912, p.110 “A thrilling tale of the plains, depicting the shrewdness of a Western Sheriff, produced and pictured in the El Cajon Valley, Southern California” - The Falls City Journal (Falls City, Nebraska), 18 Oct 1912, p.3 “A snappy western, featuring Warren Kerrigan, the handsomest actor in moving pictures.” - The Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio), August 16, 1912, p. 5

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