Hour of Terror, An

Release Date:   July 03, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   W. Emerson
Story Summary:
Away off on the frontier, the lonesome railroad agent pointed a direction to two prospectors. He went inside. An Indian cut the wire and later killed one prospector. Two women and two men reached the railroad station only to find the wire out of commission. There was a battle, the station became a great blaze and the women prepared to receive the last merciful bullets. But the news carried, and while the women stood with bared breasts, help came, ending that awful "hour of terror." (MPW, 7/6/12, p.10)
Unique Occurences
Though a western this project was done by the Chicago unit.
Additional Info

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