Marauders, The

Release Date:   June 27, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan,
Story Summary:
“We see a band of emigrants journeying to the new country. Just as they are settling down for the night, marauders fall upon them, and the peaceful scene rapidly changes to one of bloodshed. Soon brother and sister are left alone, and, mounting horse, they fly for their lives. An exciting chase takes place on the open prairie until a friend meets them. Together they turn and put the marauders to Hlight. Jack, the new- made friend, and the brother and sister become very intimate, and Jack falls in love with Lola. They reach a deserted cabin, where they secure safe refuge, and there the three make their home. Soon the brother joins boon companions in a gambling den in the city, but Lola becoming anxious, Jack goes and brings him home. They quarrel, and Lola arrives in time to see Jack strike her brother. They determine to part, and Jack goes on his way, but better thoughts prevail, and he turns again towards the cabin. Meanwhile, the brother goes again to the city. In a quarrel pistols are drawn, shots are Hired, and he meets his death at the hands of the marauders. Lola is heartbroken, but the chief of the marauders makes violent love to her, and forcibly seizes her in his arms. Jack arrives in time to rescue her, and the curtain drops upon the lovers’ reconciliation.” - Supplement to The Bioscope, August 15, 1912, p. xv
Unique Occurences
The British release on August 12th was nearly two months after the domestic release, a longer than average lag time.
Additional Info
“‘The Marauders’ were also here the past week. That picture, I took it, was supposed to represent a scene years and years ago, when fashionable riding skirts were not in existence, that feature being the only slip to an interesting reel.” - The Moving Picture News, July 20, 1912, p. 24

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