Recognition, The

Release Date:   December 23, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, Jack Richardson, Louise Lester, George Periolat, Charlotte Burton,
Story Summary:
“Thomas Mercer and his two sons, Dale and Lawrence, take up their abode in a little cottage near the outskirts of the village. Near the home of the Mercers lives Salina Masters and her daughter Ruth. One day while walking to the general store, Thomas Mercer meets Mrs. Masters and at sight of him she faints, falling into his arms. The sons of Mercer hurry to their father's side and carry Mrs. Masters to her home. While there they meet the daughter, Ruth, and Lawrence is attracted with her beauty. While going to their home after caring for Mrs. Masters, the boys pass the house of Kit Murphy, a rough woman of the town, and Dale lingers to talk with her, while Lawrence goes home. Dale, too has noticed the comeliness of Ruth Masters and takes the first opportunity to talk with her. This infuriates Kit Murphy, to whom he has also shown attention. Tom Mercer is sitting in his little home one day when suddenly he starts from his reverie, rushes out into the street and to the home of Salina Masters. While Tom is at Mrs. Masters' home, his son Dale meets Ruth and they walk down the street together. Nearing a secluded place, he suddenly puts his arm around her and kisses her. This is witnessed by Kit Murphy and she grabs a gun from the holster of a passerby and rushes to shoot Dale for his fickleness. Lawrence has joined Ruth and Dale and the brothers engage in a quarrel. The woman Kit rushes upon them and fires a shot at Dale, fatally wounding him. A crowd of men gather about and some of them take Kit away to her home. In the meantime a tragic meeting has taken place at the home of Salina Masters, where Lawrence and Ruth have gone after the shooting to tell the father of the affair. Mrs. Masters had recognized that day upon the village street in Tom Mercer the husband who had deserted her and the baby daughter twenty years ago, taking with him in his insanely jealous rage, his two sons, and the husband and father had now come to ask forgiveness of Mrs. Masters, which name she had taken after making the west her home. They all hurry to the scene of the tragedy where Mrs. Masters, much to the surprise of the daughter, Ruth, catches the dying man to her breast and weeps over him. Realizing that he is beyond earthly aid, they repair to the home of Mrs. Masters, where Tom Mercer startles his own son by pointing to Ruth and saying, "She is your sister." Lawrence asks an explanation of his father, who tells him all, and in the reunion of the father and mother, the former lovers find happiness to compensate them for "what might have been"” - The Moving Picture World, October-December 1912, p.1232
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
This production was released during the period when Mutual was breaking from the Film Supply Company of America and it is unclear as to who the distributor was. Film Supply claimed American distribution as late as December 21st, 1912. “After twenty years, two brothers rivals in love with an unknown sister” - The Cinema, January 8, 1913, p.46

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