Power of Love, The

Release Date:   December 19, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Pauline Bush, Jack Kerrigan, Jessalyn Van Trump, Jack Richardson, Marshall Neilan, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Captain Blount, having retired from the sea, has taken his abode among the fishermen on the coast in order to be near the ocean. As a captain, he had been tyrannical, and now, no longer having a crew to dominate, he tries to direct the lives of his two daughters in much the same manner as he would handle mutiny. Among the young fishermen. Bob Newcomer has found favor with the old "salt," and when he expresses a desire to marry the captain’s oldest daughter, Martha, the father told her to prepare to wed the fisherman without consulting her as to whether her suitor found favor in her eyes or not. Upon a Cliff ranch two young cowboys, Jack Woomer and Pete Neville, are employed. They had met Martha and Mabel Blount and had learned to love them. Bob Newcomer discovers this and notifies the old Captain. Together they interrupt one of the meetings and the father upbraids his daughters. But the cowboys are not without resource. They go to the village, where they secure licenses, and then await the arrival of the circuit-riding minister, who makes periodical trips in the vicinity. On the day of his arrival, they secure his service, and, calling the girls, are married in the open air. Again, the suspicious Newcomer has been watching, and hurrying to the captain, tells him of the marriage of his two daughters. Pete Neville and his bride start down to interview the irate father and procure his forgiveness when Newcomer raises his gun and kills the young bridegroom. Startled at the sound of firing. Jack Woomer and his newly made wife hurry down and come upon the tragedy. Newcomer and the Captain have called a number of fishermen and they take Martha from the young husband by force and promise him the same fate that Neville received if he ever comes that way again. Woomer returns to the ranch and calls on the cattlemen to return with him and avenge the death of their pal. They start for the beach and are soon engaged in conflict. Mabel, crazed with grief over the death of her husband, wanders away to the treacherous rocks in the ocean. While the conflict is on, Martha sees her husband on the cliffs and hurries to join him, followed by the ever-watchful Newcomer. Woomer and Newcomer fight and Woomer succeeds in throwing his adversary over the cliffs. Reunited, the husband and wife return to her father's home and put an end to the useless warfare, but they are too late. The old Captain had fought his last fight and they find him lying in the doorway. Sick at heart they wander toward the beach seeking Mabel, and at ebb tide they find her where the treacherous ocean throws her, for she has gone to join her husband in the land beyond. - The Moving Picture News, 19 December,1912, pg. 27
Unique Occurences
Film Supply claimed American distribution as late as December 21st, 1912.
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