Law of God, The

Release Date:   December 09, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
In the course of his wanderings Jim Gleason had come to Montecito, where Vera Bradley, the daughter of the minister, attracted his fancy. In her innocence, she confides to her father and he, with the welfare of his daughter at heart, consults the young man as to his religious beliefs, and is horrified to learn that he is an Atheist. The following Sunday a wandering cripple stops at the church and endeavors to sell small religious pamphlets. The minister examines them and finding the Ten Commandments and other religious quotations in the book, procures a copy and urges the congregation to do the same. Vera gets a copy and meeting Jim Gleason, she shows him the book and is so horrified at his blasphemous remarks that she refuses to see or hear from him again. Disappointed in love, Jim Gleason falls in with the lawless element of the town and becomes a great crony of the leader, Bud Black. One day Bud Black plans on a crime of large dimensions. If he can get Jim to throw the derailing switch outside the town at the railroads yard limit they could wreck the Sunset Limited and secure a large booty. In Bud Black's gang one member, who has always been timid, in thinking over the magnitude of the proposed crime, began to fear for his safety and determined to notify the sheriff. So it was that when Jim arrived at the scene of action his every movement was watched by Bud Black and his gang to make sure of now weakening, and the sheriff and posse was on the way to surprise the outlaws and save the train. In waiting for the train Jim consulted his plans which were drawn on a page of the pamphlet sold by the cripple and then having fixed it in his mind turned over the page and found "THE LAW OF GOD." And in the Holy Writ he finds "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL." And a vision of Vera's horrified face comes to him as she looked when he uttered his remarks about the pamphlet. "THOU SHALT NOT KILL." He starts away just as the Limited goes shrieking by. Bud Black and his gang watch for the expected wreck and in their anger at the failure of their plan they decide to wreak vengeance upon Jim. They start in pursuit of the fleeing man and thundering at their heels is the sheriff's posse. Bud Black is soon within shooting distance of the intended victim, his gun barks and Jim falls. But now apprised that the posse is after him he rides with his gang for his own liberty. They are soon captured and the posse start on the return trip. Picking up the wounded man they return to town where Jim is left to the tender mercy of the Rev. Bradley and his daughter. When Jim sees Vera his face lights up and extending his hand he places in hers the bloodstained "LAW OF GOD." And when Jim is able to be out again he visits the church as the accepted suitor of the minister's daughter, for he has "come into the light. -Moving Picture World, December 7, 1912, p. 1014.
Unique Occurences
This production was released during the period when Mutual was breaking from the Film Supply Company of America and it is unclear as to who the distributor was. Film Supply claimed American distribution as late as December 21st, 1912.
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