
Release Date:   December 02, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, George Periolat, George Morrison, Helen Armstrong,
Story Summary:
Employed on the ranch of Thomas Wells is old man Dan Matthews. Virginia, the three-year-old baby of Thomas and Kathleen Wells, is a constant companion to the old man and they are pals. Thomas Wells has discharged from the ranch a workman named Henry Willis and his man Steve Johnson, for which act they both hold a grudge against the ranch owner. The time has also arrived when he finds himself compelled to let Dan Matthews go. His wife pleads with him, but he is obdurate and after giving to old Dan a worn-out cayuse, Wells tells him he can use him no longer. After the departure of old Dan, the wife of the rancher is busy about household tasks and gives no attention to little Virgie. The little one is lonely without her "pal" and, unable to find him in the accustomed places about the house and ranch, she goes to seek him in the open range. Her search continues until she is worn out and night finds her asleep upon the open range. Henry Willis and his man are looking for a place in which to camp for the night and come upon the sleeping child of Thomas Wells. They pick up the sleeping child and proceed to camp under a nearby tree, on the brow of a hill and near the spot where old Dan is resting. He is hidden from them by a slight undulation of the range and his moody thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of strange voices. At the ranch house all is confusion over the missing child, and a posse, headed by the father, starts out in search. They find traces of her little feet and follow them. Now thoroughly aroused the old man cautiously creeps upon the two men, who are planning their dastardly revenge. Dan fires a shot which kills the companion of Henry Willis, then charges upon Willis in an effort to rescue the little pal of other days. A struggle ensues, in which old Dan is worsted, but an opportune shot from the leader of the posse lays low the villainous Willis. The posse come upon old Dan and little Virgie in an embrace of greeting. The little one is given into the keeping of her father and the "boys" place old Dan upon a horse and gently lead him back to the ranch house, where an anxious mother waits. The child is given to her amid shouts from the cowboys and old Dan is given a rousing welcome and the assurance that he will never need for anything as long as the father and mother of little Virgie live. --Moving Picture World, November 30, 1912, p. 914.
Unique Occurences
The original working title was "The Old Cowpuncher" and was shot primarilly at the Enterprise Dairy ranch on Ontare Road.
Additional Info
This production was released during the period when Mutual was breaking from the Film Supply Company of America and it is unclear as to who the distributor was. Film Supply claimed American distribution as late as December 21st, 1912.

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