Her Own Country

Release Date:   November 28, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jessalyn Van Trump, Jack Richardson, George Periolat, Louise Lester,
Story Summary:
The Mendez family, never having a child of their own, had raised the orphan daughter of an American ranger. Proud and arrogant themselves, they had tried to impart to their ward a spirit of intolerance for all things, excepting family pride and traditions, but in this they had failed. The crisis came in Viola's life with the arrival of Juan Corte, a cousin of the family. Meeting the unsophisticated girl, he desires to have her for his wife. His suit is looked upon with great favor by her Spanish foster parents. But Viola startles them all by an indignant refusal. She steals out in the dead of night in an effort to escape and she becomes lost in the desert, where she is discovered by an American ranger, who places her on his horse and brings her to his camp. In the morning she tells him her story and he determines to shield her from her foster-parents and lay siege to her heart. Leaving her comfortable at the camp he goes out to hunt. When her absence is discovered, all is confusion and Juan Corte declares he will pursue her, bring her back and compel her to accede to marry him. He finds the right trail and coming upon the girl in the camp of the ranger, he seizes her and returns to the hacienda. Once within, the ponderous gate is locked and with the key in his possession the enraged Spaniard taunts the poor girl, telling her that on the morrow they will repair to the Mission and be married. Viola determines to make one more attempt to escape. Charlie Dexter, the ranger, returns to his camp and seeing the horses tracks and signs of the struggle, at once surmises what has happened. He, in turn, follows the trail and comes to the hacienda. He hears Viola fumbling wih the gate and calls out cautiously. She answers him and he knows he is on the right track. Carefully scaling the wall, he drops beside her. they start for the small side gate, when they are discovered by Juan, who rushes at the American intruder, poniard in hand. Dexter plants a blow directly between Juan's eyes and he drops unconscious. Mendez aroused by the struggle, hurries to the gate with a gun, but already the American is mounted, speeding away with his countrywoman to a life of happiness. - Moving Picture World, November 23rd, 1912
Unique Occurences
This production was released during the period when Mutual was breaking from the Film Supply Company of America and it is unclear as to who the distributor was. Film Supply claimed American distribution as late as December 21st, 1912.
Additional Info

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