Jack's Word

Release Date:   November 25, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jack Richardson, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Jack Burton was very active in assisting the sheriff of the county in running down cattle thieves and on the occasion of the capture of Arizona Jim, a notorious horsethief, he so distinguished himself that he was nominated for sheriff. Proud of the honor done him, Jack hurries to his sweetheart to inform her of his newly elected office, but she, having a horror for gun-fights, exacts a solemn promise from him never to shoot or seek to injure a fellow man, if he desires her for his wife. Lurking in the vicinity, Arizona Jim, having served his term in prison, and nursing a grudge against Burton, overhears the promise made and plans to turn it to his advantage. Realizing that he cannot keep his promise and remain sheriff, Jack sees his predecessor and in the presence of the assembled inhabitants of the town, turns over the office to him. The old sherff is at a loss to understand the reason and as Jack will not explain, his friends believe he has developed a "streak of yellow" and are disgusted. Their suspicions are confirmed when Arizona Jim, knowing he is immune from punishment because of Jack's promise, publicly insults him and when Jack does not resent it with gun-play, he is branded a coward. The last straw is added to his endurance when Arizona Jim insults him in the presence of his girl. Jack controls himself, then taking the lady home, he seeks his tormentor in a saloon and invites him to drink. Not understanding this new submisive attitude of Burton's, Arizona accepts the proffered (sic) drink and draws his gun to further humiliate Jack in the presence of his old-time friends. Jack quickly whips out his gun and dares the man with the drop to shoot. A coward at heart, Arizona looks into the muzzle of Jack's gun and his nerve failing him, his own gun drops to the floor. Jack takes him by the collar and jerking him out of the saloon, shows him up as a coward and compels him to leave the town. He hurries to his sweethearts home, where the news of the incident had already been carried and she accuses him of having broken his promise to her. For an answer he draws the gun and opening the ejector shws that his weapon had never been loaded throughout the encounter. The news reaches his old-time friends and Jack is given an ovation that proves his complete vindication. - Moving Picture World, 11/23/1912, p.814
Unique Occurences
This production was released during the period when Mutual was breaking from the Film Supply Company of America and it is unclear as to who the distributor was. Film Supply claimed American distribution as late as December 21st, 1912.
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