Rich and the Poor, The

Release Date:   March 09, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   1
Brand:   American
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Adriene Kroell,
Story Summary:
'John Craig is the superintendent of the Stamford Iron Works, whose president and the proprietor is Howard Armstrong. At the time of the story the workmen employed in the works are in a state of discontent, they are poorly paid and overworked, and receive little sympathy or consideration from their employer. His overbearing and dictatorial manner has made him marry enemies among the men and only the intervention of Craig has kept them in check. An agitator called Fritz Schram is a leader of the malcontents and offers as an ultimatum, arbitration or strike. Craig goes to Armstrong’s house. Craig discovers evidence proving that he and not Armstrong is the actual owner of the iron works, all interest in the same having been left him in trust with Armstrong by his adopted father. When confronted with this fact, Armstrong whines for consideration for his daughter’s sake, in whom Craig is very much interested. Craig grants his request, providing his fellow workmen are given their just rights. Armstrong agrees to confer with them the following day and Craig leaves satisfied. At the meeting which follows, however, hard words are spoken on both sides. Armstrong repudiates his promise, defies Craig and the committee, the result being that the wheels are stopped and the workmen strike. Weak minds inflamed by weeks of starvation and liquor cause the strikers to decide to take the law into their own hands, wreck the factory and kill Armstrong. He comes to Craig for protection from the fury of the mob. He is compelled to relinquish all his false claims and interest in the works. Craig is installed in his rightful place and once more the wheels go around. " - Moving Picture World, 1911
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