Chiquita the Dancer

Release Date:   October 30, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   C. De Vere, Eugene Bonner, Walter Irving, Geraldine Gill, William Morse,
Story Summary:
A mining story in which a young Mexican girl plays a very important part frustrating the plans of several villainous claim jumpers. A crooked justice of the peace also takes a hand in the game, but only succeeds in landing himself into the hands of the U. S. Marshal. A realistic fire scene affords opportunity for Chiquita to distinguish herself and supplies the setting for a grand love tableau. - Moving Picture World, November 2, 1912, p. 488.
Unique Occurences
This project, though a western theme, was shot by the Chicago unit. The George Eastman House holds a fragment of the only known print, roughly three minutes, and credits Gilbert Hamilton as the director though this has not been confirmed.
Additional Info

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