Hypnotizing a Hypnotist

Release Date:   March 06, 1911
Distributor:   Motion Picture Distribution & Sales Company
Reels:   split
Brand:   American
Genre:   Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Dot Farley, Jack Campbell,
Story Summary:
"A certain learned professor took up the study of hypnotism. In a sanitarium he found a lot of likely subjects, and without their knowledge or consent, placed them all under his spell. After satisfying himself of his ability to hypnotize, he brought them back to a normal state of being, and finding themselves in many undignified positions, fall on the professor and almost beat him to a pulp. They leave him helpless and an easy prey for his landlady, and unattractive spinster. She found the volume of hypnotism which he has been studying, and as soon as she spies the helpless professor, resolves to try an experiment on her own account. She places him in a hypnotic trance and to make assurance doubly sure, leads him to a justice of the peace. She takes her newly wed spouse to their home, where she tries to bring him back to his original condition, but is unable to, so she defies all the ethics of the code and resorts to a bed slat. She beats him back to life again, shows him her proof of claim on his heart and home, and he swallows the bitter pill. Takes her in his unwilling arms and decides to make the best of what must be endured." - Moving Picture World, 1911
Unique Occurences
Split reel released with "Memories"
Additional Info

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