Sister's Devotion, A

Release Date:   October 09, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Geraldine Gill, Wallace Scott,
Story Summary:
“The first scene opens in a modest home in the East, where Paul Trainor is preparing for his departure for the West. Paul and his sister Bess are orphans. Paul is like most boys–rather wayward and improvident, but his sister has a woman’s saving qualities and has laid by a nice little sum for a rainy day. By this means she is able to provide her brother with sufficient money for his venture and he fares forth to establish himself in a new country. Paul arrives at his destination–a Western mining camp, and falls in with gamblers who soon relieve him of the money his sister gave him. The hotel keeper, who learns of the young man’s circumstances, writes his sister a warning letter which determines her to go to his rescue. She falls in with kindly disposed people who give her every possible service. Paul has not yet broken away from his evil companions and is still dallying with the cards. In a game in which it appears as though luck has changed and he is about to recoup himself for his numerous losses he detects a fraud which, if successful, would have caused him to lose. There are two shots. Paul leaps through the window and is a fugitive from justice. He rushes to his sister for aid, quick as a flash she determines on a course of action and, disguised in her brother’s clothes, is off on horseback. Paul and a friend start in another direction. The sheriff’s posse are off in pursuit of their quarry. The pursued takes refuge in a mine, leaves a note at the mouth that the first man entering will be shot. The posse keep a guard at the mine and early the next morning enter only to find they have been deceived. This ruse gains time for Paul and he succeeds in crossing the State line. At the coroner’s inquest it develops that Paul shot in self-defense and is exonerated. The news is carried to Paul and Bess and a joyful reunion is held. Paul’s friend and Bess have developed mutual admiration for each other and the story closes with a beautiful tableau of Bess and her lover.” - Moving Picture World, Sept. 28, 1912
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
Review: A sister determines to send her wayward brother out West. Several weeks after her brother has arrived she receives word that he is gambling and wasting his time and money. She suddenly makes up her mind to join him. There is nothing at this point to show who she is or her she secures her money, or why she follows the boy out West. It is quite certain however, that she does him little good when she gets there, for almost immediately afterward he kills a man over the card table. A young cowboy, who taken a fancy to his sister, helps the boy to escape, and with the three living in another portion of the country the story ends. - Dramatic Mirror, October 9, 1912

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