Bad Pete's Gratitude

Release Date:   September 25, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Geraldine Gill,
Story Summary:
Bad Pete eyes the collection box with greedy eyes. The little minister gathered his funds, with which to build a new church, and started for the bank. His pretty daughter, Claribel, much loved by John Walling, accompanied him. Charley Hicox hated John and loved Claribel; so when the Bad Pete held up the minister, Hicox saw an opportunity to throw the blame on John. This he did and nearly succeeeded if Bad Pete's baby had not taken sick. Claribel nursed the child back to life, and Bad Pete, to square himself, confessed the hold up. - Moving Picture World, September, 28, 1912
Unique Occurences
"Miss Geraldine Gill (played the daughter, Claribel)" - Motion Picture Story Magazine, February-July 1913, p. 142
Additional Info
“A Few Words About Film Merits” reflected on Bad Pete’s Gratitude stating, “‘Bad Pete’s Gratitude’ for September 25, is a very excellent production, and could be recommended for use by churches or philanthropic societies as well as in the theatre.” - Moving Picture News, September 21, 1912, p. 9 In a “Comments on the Films” section, one wrote of Bad Pete’s Gratitude saying, “This cannot be said to be strong drama. It is not interesting.” - The Moving Picture World, July- September 1912, p. 1277

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