Wun Lung's Strategy

Release Date:   September 18, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Randolph Grey,
Story Summary:
Colorado Joe obtained work on the William's ranch. About that time old Bob Williams with his son Jim, went to the local banker, Hawkins, to negotiate a further loan on his ranch. A stormy interview followed, during which the son Jim and Clarice Hawkins, daughter of the banker, made love in the woods close by. Williams was refused the loan but at the urgent request of his son Jim, finally decided to pay off the mortgage. Colorado Joe heard it all through an open window and wrote to his pal Ike to meet him and secure the fourteen thousand, which William carried to Hawkins. He went later to get his answer and received a brief note from Ike reading, "We'll get that fourteen thousand Friday, three o'clock closing time." Tucking the note in his shirt, Colorado Joe sauntered down Main street, meeting Clarice. He attempted to kiss her when Jim knocked him sprawling into a mammoth mud-puddle. Getting out of this in no gentle mood, Colorado Joe strolled into Wun Lung's laundry to clean the shirt and do it quick. Wun Lung did, but in turning the shirt over, found the note from Ike, and, in panic, stuck it into the package nearest at hand. Joe took his shirt and went his way. Clarice called shortly after and found the note in her bundle. It was then Friday and 2:30 P. M. Knowing it was useless to go back to the bank, she mounted her horse and began a mad gallop to the Williams ranch. She arrived at 2:45 P. M. and galloped off again followed by the entire ranch. In the nick of time, the posse surrounded the bank, secreting themselves in and about the building. Joe and Ike arrived at exactly three o'clock and were met royally. Then Jim found a more willing prospective father-in-law in the banker Hawkins. -Moving Picture World, September 21, 1912, p. 1204.
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