Fear, The

Release Date:   September 16, 1912
Distributor:   Film Supply Company of America
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Writer(s):   Allan Dwan,
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jessalyn Van Trump, Jack Richardson, George Periolat, Charles Morrison,
Story Summary:
“Old Jim Struthers, with his daughter Mabel, was a seaman. No one knew how old Jim and his younger partner, Bob, made their living, although there was much talk of smuggling. Things moved easily in the little cabin by the sea until Bob began to cast amorous eyes toward the pretty Mabel. The trouble came, for Mabel detested Bob with all of her heart. One day a party of cowboys gamboled down to the ocean-side. They spent the day in playing along the shore and compelling their horses to swim through the heavy surf. Mabel watched them. Ralph Hapwood, boss cowboy, met her. Love sprang up between them instantly and in the frequent trips that followed, love grew apace. Bob noticed it and resented the handsome stranger’s coming deeply. He told Mabel’s father that the cowboy was a secret service man ready to nab them. So old man Struthers prepared to kill Ralph. This he found hard to do for in spite of himself he liked the face and clear blue eyes of the ranchman. One day Ralph found the cache in which much contraband goods were stored. He went promptly to Struthers and while talking with him in the doorway, did not see the ready aim of Bob’s revolver from behind the corner of the building. Neither did Bob see the cowboy, off at a distance, suddenly drop his cigarette draw his gun and fire. The result was a sudden yell from Bob and much happiness among the occupants of the little cabin by the sea.” - The Moving Picture World, September 21, 1912, p. 1204
Unique Occurences
Copies of the original nitrate positive exist at the British Film Institute; however, according to their records the original nitrate positive is believed to be gone.
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